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Grace A.

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-02 a la(s) 8.42.17 a.m..jpg

My Experience:

Ridge, one of the best-ranked high schools in the state, showcases itself as the pinnacle of education. Causing many families, like my own, to move to this town in search of better opportunities for their children. What is not shown in the shiny packaging is; the damaging effects this rigorous schedule has on its own students. Specifically regarding the lack of sleep that students frequently experience. 

Many students feel the pressure to overload their schedule with as many AP academic classes as possible, for fear of losing out on opportunities. Average is looked down upon at Ridge. In every aspect, students are expected to go above and beyond. Whether it is academics, sports, clubs, music, or arts, excellence is expected and mediocrity is shushed. 

With all of the pressure, there are simply not enough hours in the day to get everything accomplished. What ends up happening is that unfortunately, sleep suffers as a result. As someone who participates in a nationally recognized forensics team, the pressure to perform leads to many sleepless nights in preparation for major tournaments. Not to mention the juggling act that I have to go through when managing my busy schedule with studying for tests every week, hours of complex homework, and 3-hour practices. 

I am grateful that our school allows for so many beneficial classes and cares about their student's academic success. However, I wish that they understood that the key to creating successful people is allowing for balance. Which our group believes could be achieved by pushing back start times

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